Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well I'm sittin here in my tiny studio, waitin for a call from somebody from the "Main council", I believe Charlie referred to them as...might as well blog. Had a grand ol' time at Malarkies last night, tis a fun little bar. Tossed a few back and grooved to the latest top 40. Today, woke up a tad bit dreary from the aforementioned events, but didn't want to let that hold me back. Had a good work out at Agassi, delicious lunch at Daffy's and took care of some wedding/house stuff. Tonight its (hopefully) all the brothers in arms, once again a night of libations, and this time, better music (hopefully). 

keep cool my babies

p.s. Been rockin the stunna shades since '89



Dayna Blum, D.C. said...

mmmmmm daffy's......

Anonymous said...

Heheh that picture is so cute.