Well I'm sittin here in my tiny studio, waitin for a call from somebody from the "Main council", I believe Charlie referred to them as...might as well blog. Had a grand ol' time at Malarkies last night, tis a fun little bar. Tossed a few back and grooved to the latest top 40. Today, woke up a tad bit dreary from the aforementioned events, but didn't want to let that hold me back. Had a good work out at Agassi, delicious lunch at Daffy's and took care of some wedding/house stuff. Tonight its (hopefully) all the brothers in arms, once again a night of libations, and this time, better music (hopefully).
keep cool my babies
p.s. Been rockin the stunna shades since '89
mmmmmm daffy's......
Heheh that picture is so cute.
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